
Portrait Dino Bektas
von Dino Bektas
Head of Public Cloud Innovation, aus Bern

Cloud native ist Dino’s Welt! In der Cloud Native Umgebung fühlt sich Dino Zuhause! Er hat bereits etliche IaC-unterstützte Architekturen für verschiedenste Anwendungen erstellt und kennt deren Besonderheiten. Dino ist zertifiziert in:

  • AWS DevOps Engineer Professional
  • AWS Developer Associate
  • ​AWS SysOps Administrator Associate
  • ​AWS Solutions Architect Associate
  • Hashicorp Terraform Associate

#knowledgesharing #level 100

AWS Landingzone Framework for Begasoft

One of our esteemed clients and long-time partner company Begasoft AG has been faced with challenge of moving part of their on-prem systems into AWS cloud.

Having had virtually no prior AWS hands-on experience on most services which AWS has to offer, we have agreed to make this first step together and implement together with Begasoft’s engineers Amanox’s own solution for generating AWS cloud environments based on best practices with the name of «Bob the Builder 2.0». This approach was necessary since many companies nowadays decide to proceed with their first step into AWS world on their own. Which initially, it does not seem like a bad idea at all, however over time this kind of approach proves not to be rewarding to any of the future operations, nor to the actual further developments. This path can potentially lead to critical security breaches, loss of tracking of «who did what and when and how», complicated bills at the end of the month, huge blast radius, non-efficient application deployments and many other.


On the other hand, «Bob the Builder 2.0» provides completely serverless framework for vending multiple AWS cloud environments on the fly, meanwhile generating no unnecessary cost at all. Also, by being conceptually based on AWS’s Landing Zone service «Bob the Builder 2.0» would offer entire baseline infrastructure to all AWS environments following AWS Best Practices Guidelines. These would mainly be focused on aspects such as Security and Federation, Compliancy, Governance and Networking.


In the single day of workshop Begasoft AG and Axians Amanox AG organized, we managed to achieve a lot including:

  • Enabling client’s smooth migration into the AWS Cloud world by Live-Demoing «Bob the Builder 2.0» implementation and adapting/customizing several features per the customer’s requirements
  • Introducing client to the world of DevOps Philosophy and Culture within an Engineering Team
  • Introducing client to the extended use of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) languages such as «Terraform» and «AWS CloudFormation» and furthermore consulting client on the many benefits that IaC provides when leveraged within multiple cloud environments
  • Consulting client on the process of “GitOps” Continuous Deployments for the safe and maximized release efficiency
  • Consulting client on the critical role of Infrastructure Layer Decoupling approach which minimizes future blast radius during deployments
  • Introducing client to the AWS most essential and widely used services and their importance

Nahezu Echtzeit-Dateneingabe in den SageMaker Feature Store

Dieser Blog-Beitrag ist der erste Teil einer dreiteiligen Serie über das Testen einer vollautomatischen MLOps-Pipeline für Machine-Learning-Vorhersagen auf Zeitreihendaten in AWS, die nahezu in Echtzeit vorliegen. In diesem ersten Teil konzentrieren wir uns auf die Dateneingabe-Pipeline in den Amazon SageMaker Feature Store.
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AWS AppConfig for Serverless Applications Demo

Wäre es nicht schön, wenn die Applikationskonfiguration von der Infrastrukturkonfiguration und dem Code entkoppelt werden könnte? An dieser Stelle kann AWS AppConfig (eine Komponente von AWS Systems Manager) helfen (Artikel in Englisch)
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Baue eine Cloud-native Plattform für Deine Kunden

Was hat die Geschäftsidee eines Hotels mit dem Plattformansatz in der Cloud Native Welt gemeinsam? Und wie kannst Du den Anforderungen Deiner Kunden gerecht werden? Erfahre mehr darüber in diesem Blogbeitrag.
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RDBMS Data Ingestion

Wie kann man ständig wechselnde Daten aus einer Datenbank in einen Data Lake übertragen, der auf unveränderlichem Speicher wie Amazon S3 basiert? Ein Artikel von Matthieu Lienart (Artikel in Englisch)
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