

AWS User Group Meetup Bern

25. April 2022, 17.45 Uhr CET

We're happy to announce and invite you to our next Meetup in Bern, after the long absence of this event.
Hopefully, many of you are as eager as us to get back at it, meet up, listen to interesting sessions and have a chat about our favourite public cloud topics.

We'll meet up in the center of Bern, at Digicomp (adress see below). As for our sessions, we're happy to have the following speakers on site:

  1. Introduction into ML with Amazon SageMaker: from an idea to the production by Yevgeni Yilyin, Senior Solutions Architect @ AWS Switzerland
  2. AWS Amplify meets XR by Luca Silvestri, Cloud Engineer @ Axians Amanox
  3. Metaverse on AWS. What to expect? by Dino Bektas, Cloud Engineer @ Axians Amanox

Moderated by: Daniel Heinzmann, COO @ Axians Amanox

17:45 Checkin
18:00 - ca. 19:30 Sessions
ca. 19:30 Apero and discussions
20:30 Closing Doors

Spread the word, looking forward to seeing you!

Register now
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